Through its unique patented design, the T-Rex eavestrough fastening system helps to create a unified structure that resists bending and twisting. Nothing can pull it off or damage it-not even bad weather!
The T-Rex continuous eavestrough fastening system can support 250 lb. per linear foot (373 kg per linear metre). T-Rex makes the eavestrough 50% stronger than traditional fasteners such as spikes or hangers..
That's because the spaces between the spikes and hangers actually reduce the strength of conventional eavestroughs. T-Rex is a continuous hanging system that reinforces the eavestrough from end to end. There are no weak points
Since your new eavestroughs are solidly mounted from end to end, neither ice nor ladders can damage them!
Alu-Rex products come in unpainted aluminum and copper so there is no risk of rust or flaking. Alu-Rex products come in the original colors of the materials machined by our suppliers. The finish is even guaranteed for 40 years!
The T-Rex eavestrough fastening system delivers the same protection against leaves and debris as the Gutter Clean System leaf guard. in addition to providing the impressive durability we mentioned above.
Independent testing has confirmed the Gutter Clean System's performance in protecting eavestrough.
The Gutter Clean System protects your home from leaks and damage to landscaping, and various other potential eavestrough problems.
The Gutter Clean System fits on all eavestroughs, regardless of the width or material used (except PVC).
With 312 perforations every 12 in. (30,5 cm), it can drain 29,7 in. (755 mm) of water per hour per linear foot, or 3 times the amount of rainfall recorded in the heaviest precipitations worldwide.
The performance of T-Rex eavestrough fastening system and the Gutter Clean System leaf guard has been proven through independent testing.
Not only is T-Rex very durable, it also protects your home against a number of potential problems, including water infiltrations and damage to your landscaping.
For more information, please contact us Gouttières Roussillon 514.594.2897